Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Corneal Mapping

Corneal topography, also known as photokeratoscopy or videokeratography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye. Since the cornea is normally responsible for some 70% of the eye’s refractive power, its topography is of critical importance in determining the quality of vision.

The three-dimensional map is therefore a valuable aid to the examining ophthalmologist or optometrist in Buckhead, GA and can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of conditions; in planning refractive surgery such as LASIK and evaluation of its results; or in assessing the fit of contact lenses. A development of keratoscopy, corneal topography extends the measurement range from the four points a few millimeters apart that is offered by keratometry to a grid of thousands of points covering the entire cornea. The procedure is carried out in seconds and is completely painless.

​​​​​​​Special thanks to the EyeGlass Guide, for the informational material that aided in the creation of this website. Visit the EyeGlass Guide today!

Digital Phoropter

Refraction is the angle at which light is bent when it enters your eye, focusing at the back of the eye to form an image to send to your brain. If your eyes do not refract light properly onto the back of the eye, you are said to have a “refractive error.” This is fixed through eyeglasses or contact lenses.

In order for your doctor to know just how much your vision needs to be corrected, he has to be able to measure your eye’s “refractive error.” This is where the Huvitz Digital Phoropter comes in.

​​​​​​​Besides the traditional phoropter test, in which you are asked to look at an eye chart and compare a series of lenses to determine which gives you the best vision, the Huvitz Digital Phoropter uses advanced digital technology, various vision tests including 18 visual acuity test charts, 26 vision test charts, and up to 35 patient dependent test charts to help obtain the most accurate refraction measurements and translate them into a prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses faster and more accurately than ever before!

Anterior Segment Camera

The Anterior Segment Camera is among the latest cutting edge eye care technologies that promises to change the way optometrists detect and track the progression of external diseases of the eyelids, blepharitis, styes, corneal diseases, conjunctival diseases and cataracts.

The Anterior Segment Camera is an advanced optometric tool that is used by our optometrists to examine the front surface and anterior portion of the eye, in order to detect and document the progression of eye conditions such as those associated with the conjuctiva, chronic lid conditions or other conditions of the conjuctiva and cornea. The Anterior Segment Camera is also extremely helpful for the fitting of specialty contact lenses such as scleral lenses, gas permeable and hybrid lenses for the treatment of various corneal diseases such as kerataconus.

The Anterior Segment Camera is recommended for use in patients that need to see what is going on with conditions such as blepharitis, when lid hygiene is important, in order to demonstrate to the patient how lid hygiene and lid scrubs will help the condition. This is also true with conditions such as nevi and pterygiums, which often need to be monitored for progress, making a baseline photo a valuable tool.

Technology can be helpful in the event of an emergency. Read more about Eye Emergencies (Pink/Red Eyes) here.

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of Myopia Early The Latest and Best Myopia Control Options

Discover advanced myopia management at Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta. Explore solutions designed to slow progression and protect long-term vision, including Orthokeratology and Axial Length Monitoring. Why Choose Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta? Expertise in Myopia Management

Take the first step toward better vision and lifelong eye health by booking an exam with our experienced optometrists. Our comprehensive care includes Orthokeratology, Axial Length Monitoring, and other advanced treatments. Myopia Management Treatments Advanced, Personalized Solutions

Explore personalized treatments like Orthokeratology, Axial Length Monitoring, Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses, and Atropine Therapy, designed to slow myopia progression and support long-term vision health. 

Services Offered at Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta Comprehensive
Eye Exams defocus disposable/
custom soft contact lenses Atropine
Therapy Orthokeratology Axial Length
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